Thursday, May 17, 2007

blog zilla??

Greetz evening , blog!

This is your girl, sexy phoenix. I just went out to blog-zilla and fro the second time I forgot some part of my camera!! D: *sheds a sexy tear* so here is a ms paint depiction of a summary of tonight:

basically lots of dudes were like talking to us like "hey i remember you from bowling, lol" or "hey do youguys dj here on fridays lol" and i was like hehe yeah *(high five* but i dont really like you. thanx. alsoooooooooooooooooooo i am still positive that my lvoer hates me *sheds another single tear* OH well, there are mroe fish to fry, right? i have class tomorrow and mad work to do
!!! oh noes.

oh, speaking of wchich, some dude from a drawing class i took last term was there tonight and was seriously "teh wastoid" and was really into dancing with me hahehe i felt kind of weird. so i slipped out un detected. right now i am on megans computerrrrrrrrrrrrr cuz she has ms paint and i do not.

hm what else. they played d.a.n.c.e. and megan was outside doin her thang so i had to kind of awkwardly be really really into it by myself / with strangers, , is awkward.

also!!!!!!!!!!!!! someone we talked to mentioned the blog!!! *gives blog mad ups* and while i was leaving i told solobunny to "CHECK THE BLOGG" and shouted out the link cuz that is basically hwo i roll.

ok, i will stop, megan is like sleeping on her bed or somethign so i should go take my spot on da couch (crosses fingers it is not infected w/ teh bugs)

1 luv <3<3<3

Lynn / Sex. e. Phoenix


DARKLORD said...

Hahaha...please expand upon "are you from jersey?"
I love tales of awkward bullshit from indieklub types.

Anything else noteworthy happen?

Anonymous said...

The Justice drawing is the best! The look on your face ahahahah!

Sorry I was outside, but one up to James for playing it since KT was outside too.

Phase 1: Complete.
Phase 2: (a)What is Anchor Sunn/Sonn Annchor Sun/Son? (b)Is Too-Bootylicious gay?

Miko said...


Miko said...