Thursday, May 17, 2007

dear blog,

i'm afraid i won't be around much longer. a few days ago i woke up and there was a note under my door from the landlord notifying us of the .... BED BUG INFESTATION. yeah. like, it's taken me a couple days just to stop like hyperventilating/ coming very close to panic attacks just by thinking about it. everything i look at , i wonder if it is ...infected..... what pillow can i use?? surely all of them have..caught teh virus.....must start barracading stairs....get my shot gun ready.....where can you sleep when your apartment is infested with fuckindg bed bugs???????????????????????????????

seriously like i am being dead serious i am really close to having a panic attack right now so im just going to stop but if you see me around dont come close i dont want to spread the infection onto anyone else....

-undead sexy phoenix. D:


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