Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Long time no chat y'all, school has made me a busy busy bumble bee and I literally haven't had more than 8 minutes of free time since like Monday night, (and it was the same last week at this time), luckily I don't have any projects due tomorrow (well I do but I finished it already!!!) So I have time to devote to my beloved blog.

Well what have I done since my last post? Let's see............I started school, it's..ok. Been "playing music at clubs" alot (NOT DJ-ING!!!!!!!!!!NEVER), you know...climbing the corporate ladder..sipping the corporate juice......the usual. Marko is telling me teh blog is dead once and for all....but I would like to beg to differ!!!!!!!!

Here are the only pictures that exist of my life from the past couple of weeeks courtesy of the ever gracoius and lovely paul

these are the ppl holding teh party @ level!!! this was also a very very bad night for me!!!! elicit substances were abused :/:/:/:/:/

(from the same night)

CRYSTAL WHERE U AT??????????????????GET TO ME (this is from first friday!)

HAS THERE BEEN A POST SInce bowling? i dont think so? my ear pokes throughl ike an elf in this pic


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