Friday, August 3, 2007

i'm melting

So wassup, wheres the posts? I know we all have lives but, do we really? i know i sure dont. Anywho, I've been a lil busy recently. I went to atlanta last week for the company i want to work for. I think i'd be really funny if they didn't end up hiring me because i've done so many meet and greets. The hotel I stayed at was sooooooo fancy. Maria carey was there (!!!!!) and colin powell, vivica a. fox and some other nba dude who i have no idea who he is. Seriously it was the most high class place i will ever get to stay in and i didnt even get to enjoy the room really because they had us doing stuff all day w/o breaks. There was a jacuzzi in my room in a marble staircase that i didn't have time to go in :( ok so enough about how kewl the hotel was, the programs were pretty kewl too...they were the typical "what is your leadership style" workshops where you learn more about yourself, only not really.... I also got to eat food catered by wolfgang puck and it was banginnnnnnn, i gained a good 5 lbs. Also I met a guy who was on the football team in Two a Days, anyone watch that??? (I think im the only one)...but at the end of the trip he was like "can i talk to you in private?" and he told me to always keep growing and never be afraid to put ur self out there hahahahah it was pretty awkward. This week i've just been werkin. My mom left for peru so guess whos cooking for the papi law. Also my white family visited from north carolina so i've kind of been stuck at home doin family shit until last night when i finally got to wil' out (and by wil' out i mean drink one beer...). ok this is pretty long, peace. OH LYNN, u still comin to ct?

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rix said...
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