Friday, July 13, 2007

hey hesh nut

remember when everyone was like "yeah im totally reviving the blog!!!!" LIARS
anyway, im drunk as a hobo so its time to update. um, lynn good post. i dont remember what its about but mad props for posting *daps* wait im going to backspace and see what its about *copy pastes*...oh yeah sinus and gonvindas. whats gonvindas anyway, cause i hope im not eating them, if they are in fact edible. Anyway, there are 9 dudes here playing smash bros kewl. my life is so great, or maybe its terrible? *loads shot gun* ghaha i sound so depressed but im really not, i swear
ok so this is my friday nite. r u jealous?

1 comment:

Lynn T said...

hahah erica govindas is a restaurant