Friday, August 24, 2007

mah head

hey ya'll. so i'm waking up to a two bruises on mah head and grease all ovah. gross? heck yes. anyway, yesterday was lynn's birthday and we had a partayyy at ross's grime punk pad. i had wine & 6 beers and was feeling godly; i partied like it was 1988. i got lynn some nice light-up glasses, candy, and color-in felt posters. enjoi!

yo thanks lynn for having your birthday yesterday. if you didn't, i probably would've slept instead of moving.

so what else have i been doing? wellllll...i've been playing with matt grem. he's a good bf - doesn't take shit from anyone and likes to treat me to dinner. his little brother is insane.

on monday, rix, lynn, miko, & i went to a bloomfield party. as expected, it wasn't that great and intensely awkward. well, lynn was the genius and bailed out early while rix and i went on an next door. if there are such things as evil spirits, there is definitely evil present in those houses. fun fact: apparently "cheap house's" prior residences were coke addicts. "rich house" used to have druggie and drunkie lesbians living there.

right on sistah.

this weekend should be good and peaceful (something i actually doubt) but heyyy school starts next week!!! wtf!@1 we should really get on a camping trip, srsly!

ok ttyl gotta showah the dirt away
yours truly,
chrome figgins

1 comment:

Lynn T said...

wo thnk god u posted this cheryl cuz i just realized i left the felt poster at the ch0ne z0ne aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hopefully it hasnt disappeared into oblivion forever