Monday, May 21, 2007

it takes a village to raise a phoenix from the ashes

oh hell na im not gettin shown up with old pictures, here you have it, a tribute to the little bird that grew into the sExY pHoEnIx u know today. enjoy

my first ever LnC photo , can i just say me and megan pwnd lnc with those "post here and we'll ________ " threads , cuz we did

14 (15? 16??) going on 7.5

original kample of eudoxus shit

woo college, the prequel

oh m! inc. c. 2004

holy land , with patrick "bucky" todd

*photoshops a lil*

lynns first experience with "margaritas" and "tequila"

never forget

<3sarclar<3 src="">
AHHHHHHHHAAHAHA (this one is out of order, i msut have uploaded it senior year in a similar reminscent phase)

7TH GRADE the extension of this picture is .bmp i think that shows its age well

mrs. robinson's english class, fateful

this was my myspace picture for so long

no explanation necessary


PROM pt 2 these are my friends from ap physics/calc

I will leave you with that, internet. Godspeed and goodnight


1 comment:

Miko said...

this is wat i feel in luv wit.